During the second episode of #IMMOOC, there were many great ideas to help improve my teaching practices. Some of the things that I took away from it and I am currently working on are: Un-training students, having students publish their work, having students create tutorial videos, connecting problem solving to the real world, and blogging to reflect on my teaching practices.
1. I love the concept of un-training students from the traditional classroom. The way that parents and teachers were taught is outdated and does not prepare students to successfully navigate the world they will eventually be working in. It seems that the business world has embraced the collaborative concept and the education world is struggling to make this change. There are many positives to students and teachers working collaboratively and it ultimately prepares students for success in their future careers.
2. Get your students publishing their work. When students are publishing their work, it gives them more ownership of their learning, in turn helping them gain a deeper understanding of concepts. There are many examples where students who have built up a positive digital footprint/portfolio and through social networking, have been able to use this to get acceptance to college and even jump start their careers. Having students create tutorial videos is one way to get students to publish their work and build their digital portfolio.
3. Make learning real and relevant for students. If we never address the why behind the standards/concepts we teach, students will never take it to the level of application. Students need to know why they are learning a concept and how it applies to their lives.
4. Teachers should always be reflecting on their teaching practices. Blogging is a great way to evaluate your teaching practices and figure out if what you are doing is new and better, and therefore innovative, or not. Reflecting makes us ask the deep questions that help move us from a growth mindset to an innovative mindset.